The best inhalers for the prevention of asthma
and the treatment of acute asthmatic episodes.

Buy Proventil Online

Proventil is one of the most used medicines to ease the breathing process and reduce asthma attacks.

The best medicines to treat bronchial asthma are inhalers with bronchodilators. Proventil is one of them. This remedy contains albuterol sulfate and has a wide spectrum action to treat respiratory diseases. The effect od the medicine occurs quickly. Proventil inhaler

This inhaler relaxes the bronchi muscles and prevents spasms. It helps to reduce the attacks, which have an allergic origin.

Proventil has anti-inflammatory action. But one and only disadvantage is a short-term period of action. The peak gains in 10-15 minutes and the action lasts during 4 hours. Therefore, the patient should always carry the inhaler around.

Buy Proventil Inhaler

There are may pharmacies online where it is possible to buy Proventil online without medical prescription.

When to use the medicine?

Adult and children older than 14 years old are allowed to use this remedy. Proventil is used in the following cases:

  • bronchial asthma
  • night asthma attacks
  • bronchospastic syndrome
  • pulmonary emphysema
  • chronic bronchitis and pulmonary obstruction

How to use Proventil?

  • This inhaler is used when the next attack of asthma occurs.
  • Shake the inhaler and make 1-2 doses with a sigh.
  • Use two injections in the case of severe asthma attack.
  • The breathing will be normalizing in five minutes.
  • It is recommended to use the medicine every 4 hours, which helps to prevent the next asthma attack.

Possible side effects

As this inhaler is used daily, the patient may suffer from light headache, tachycardia, and nerve tension. The frequency of these side effects is low. It happens when the patient has sensitivity to albuterol. The following side effects are insomnia, spasms of muscle, dizziness, nausea, etc. In these cases the medical help is not required. Consult the doctor if any allergic reactions appear.

Interaction with other remedies

You should note that this medical product has an interaction with other medicines.

  • Proventil is incompatible with medicines, which are non-selective beta-blockers
  • This remedy stimulates the central nervous system
  • Be careful using the hypotensive and antianginal drugs
  • The action of Provenil is increased by tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors
  • The hypokalemic action of this medicine is increased using the diuretics and glucocorticosteroids.

Overdose of Provenil

The principal symptom of overdose is increased heartbeat. Also, there are nausea, weakness, dizziness, and changes in blood pressure. If you feel bad, do not hesitate to stop using the remedy and call the doctor.